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IBM Research lab tours

The day will include a tour of the newly renovated Think Lab, one of the most advanced 5,400 square feet in the history of computing.

The Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY is the global headquarters of IBM Research, the largest industrial research organization in the world. The facility, designed by Eero Saarinen and completed in 1961, is home to over 1,500 scientists, engineers, and designers inventing what’s next in computing. Many of IBM’s most notable technical breakthroughs in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and semiconductors have taken place here.

exterior of a a large, curved glass building at night

Quantum System Two

The day will include a tour of our newly launched IBM Quantum System Two, the company’s first modular quantum computer and cornerstone of IBM’s quantum-centric supercomputing architecture.

Quantum System Two will contain a three-tiered chandelier capable of housing three quantum processors — all held within its scalable, hexagonal cryostat.

a large, steel structure inside of a glass case stamped IBM

Quantum System One

IBM Quantum System One is the world’s first fully integrated quantum system, introduced by IBM in January 2019. Inside, the quantum chip is held at a constant -273 degrees Celsius, a temperature colder than outer space.

Artificial Intelligence Unit

The Artificial Intelligence Unit cluster uses IBM’s system-on-chip designed to run and train deep learning models.

a blurry man walks in front of a glass case filled with processors